
Lower Body HIIT Workout – Make it easier or harder by adjusting the time intervals

My early morning client is just starting to get back in shape after a few years of having a different focus (work, family, etc.). Below is the workout she did this morning. We were focusing on lower body, and because she is only in the second week of training, we chose to do 30-second intervals with …

Lower Body HIIT Workout – Make it easier or harder by adjusting the time intervals Read More »

Coconut Flour Donut Holes and My First Personal Training Session

First thing’s first… I made donut holes that had no sugar added, and no grains. And they actually turned out amazingly well. I won’t mention the donut recipe Matthew and I tried a few weeks ago that was disgusting. We made a huge mess, and were completely disappointed. Hey, I mean, it happens sometimes. Shortly …

Coconut Flour Donut Holes and My First Personal Training Session Read More »

It’s Spring Break again! Time to Clean…and Cleanse.

I love spring—I have this feeling like it’s all uphill from here! I also love weekends, and I’m on spring break from 1/9 of my work responsibilities. I’m going to do work tonight until I have things caught up, so I can relax tomorrow and go to a new yoga class.  Anyone in Rochester/Canandaigua area …

It’s Spring Break again! Time to Clean…and Cleanse. Read More »

Ready, Set…..GO!?!?! Sometimes Going from Stop to Go is the hardest part.

Creating a lifestyle routine of healthy habits is not only ongoing (as our understanding of what is healthy for us continues to evolve), but it also involves a lot of strategy.  Often, I let people know that it’s not necessarily the plan of attack that is most important, but the plan of getting back on …

Ready, Set…..GO!?!?! Sometimes Going from Stop to Go is the hardest part. Read More »