A while ago I reviewed Quest Bars, which have been a favorite of my clients for a while now. Most people like these because of (1) the high protein content (2) the low carb/sugar content and (3) the amazing flavor. I was going to do another video review, but I’m feeling like typing it out will be more efficient at the moment.
I will tell you the absolute truth here.
I loved the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor like it was grandma’s homemade cookies from the old days (which I’ll be honest about too–used to be better before she got to be 89!). The thing I don’t like about this variety (and some of the others) is that is contains sucralose. I know there’s controversy about sucralose (you may know it as Splenda)… and I’m not convinced it’s a safe sweetener to use. These days, I’m really a fan of using natural foods (not foods made from technology), so I generally sweeten things with grade B maple syrup (more nutrients than grade A!) and local raw honey (more nutrients and better for you than standard honey). I boost my sweetness and cut down on the amounts of those sweeteners by using products like stevia and Krisda (which I mentioned recently in a recipe post). That said, sucralose is in the “less than 2%” section of the ingredient list for the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bar. I am not going to say I’ll never have one again, but I don’t see myself buying something with sucralose in it on purpose.
The great news is that there are plenty of Quest Bars that do not have sucralose! If you go to the Quest Bar website, the product line that is 99.95% natural contains sucralose… and the 100% Natural line does not contain sucralose.
Besides the cookie dough flavor, Coconut Cashew and Chocolate Peanut Butter were my favorite. I also shared several of the bars with friends (some health nut types and some standard American diet types). Everyone liked them.
The final verdict? If you need a high protein low sugar/carb snack, these are good and not full of junky stuff. I still think we should all eat mostly whole foods, like meat, eggs, veggies, aged cheese, etc. But there can be a place for some “treats” and supplemental foods if you are (1) active (2) busy or (3) just want a treat!
I mentioned in the video I did about the bars that my clients really liked the bars when they were microwaved for a few seconds… I’ll clarify my standpoint on that. I don’t use a microwave often at all. In fact, I only own one because it’s built into my apartment’s kitchen. I have no definitive information on whether microwaves will harm you, but I did read a few creepy things about plants dying after they had been watered by room temperature water that had previously been microwaved. In the end, do what feels right to you.
Here’s the video I did before, in case you missed it:
Since I tried all these bars, I also saw them at GNC for a reasonable price, and you can order them online too!
What do you think? Do you eat protein bars? Which ones? Have you had a Quest Bar?