coconut flour flatbread

Roasted Garlic Bacon Swiss Burgers {on coconut flour flatbread, of course!}

The other day, when I realized it was Coconut Flour Flatbread‘s birthday, I had to make something with it to celebrate. I didn’t want to go to the store, so I fished around for some things and came up with these burgers. You know I am crazy about burgers, but I like sliders a lot …

Roasted Garlic Bacon Swiss Burgers {on coconut flour flatbread, of course!} Read More »

Fancy Grilled Cheese – Coconut Flour Flatbread {a year later}

  Yesterday, I randomly looked at my Google Analytics details (I should do that more often), and I noticed that the first coconut flour flatbread post is my most visited post ever. I’m not kidding you when I say that 85% of my web traffic ever is to that post. After I saw that detail, …

Fancy Grilled Cheese – Coconut Flour Flatbread {a year later} Read More »

Yogi Clothing Review and Grain Free Grilled Cheese (coconut flour flatbread – black pepper and parmesan)

This feels like a random combination of content for a post, but I’m pretty sure if I don’t just talk about it all in one post, something will get neglected later… Yogi Clothing I was sent some great stuff by the company to try out and wear… and I want to show it to you! …

Yogi Clothing Review and Grain Free Grilled Cheese (coconut flour flatbread – black pepper and parmesan) Read More »

Your Instagram photos of coconut flour flatbread, PB cups, avocado ice cream, breakfast brownies, and grain free cookies!

Here is another round of your instagram photos of my recipes… I’m loving this!   Phew…that’s a lot of coconut flour! 🙂 I had a recipe in mind that I was going to make this week that I found on IG (the photog tagged me in the pic)…and I can’t find that one now either. …

Your Instagram photos of coconut flour flatbread, PB cups, avocado ice cream, breakfast brownies, and grain free cookies! Read More »