green juice

Blend: Intermittent Fasting with Feeding Mitochondria (under the philosophies of Raw/Paleo/Price)

I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about perspectives on food, especially after the (semi) recent election, as I’m living in California: Home of (failed) Prop 37. Had I been able to prove my residence soon enough register to vote here, I would’ve surely voted for Prop 37 because I sincerely believe that all people …

Blend: Intermittent Fasting with Feeding Mitochondria (under the philosophies of Raw/Paleo/Price) Read More »

It’s Spring Break again! Time to Clean…and Cleanse.

I love spring—I have this feeling like it’s all uphill from here! I also love weekends, and I’m on spring break from 1/9 of my work responsibilities. I’m going to do work tonight until I have things caught up, so I can relax tomorrow and go to a new yoga class.  Anyone in Rochester/Canandaigua area …

It’s Spring Break again! Time to Clean…and Cleanse. Read More »

What I Ate Wednesday: Skillet Socca Pizza, Shamrock Shake, Green Juice, Sprouted Pecan Butter

I really wanted to link up to Jenn’s What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW) link party this week, so it helped me be motivated to try and bring a little variety into my (food) life. I met a friend on Monday at Breathe in Pittsford (the other Lisa B!) for a little browsing and a green …

What I Ate Wednesday: Skillet Socca Pizza, Shamrock Shake, Green Juice, Sprouted Pecan Butter Read More »

Third Day’s a Charm? Or a Bust? Either Way, it Feels Like Success to Me.

Fruit Juice #2 was: pineapple and peaches (peaches taste great, but are SO foamy when juiced). The veg juices are all the same: watermelon, apple, cilantro, parsley, lime, lettuce (LOTS of lettuce from the farmer’s market), ginger, cucumber. My juicing is going really well—I wasn’t crazy about the beet juice for Day 2, but I’ve …

Third Day’s a Charm? Or a Bust? Either Way, it Feels Like Success to Me. Read More »