whole foods

Blend: Intermittent Fasting with Feeding Mitochondria (under the philosophies of Raw/Paleo/Price)

I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about perspectives on food, especially after the (semi) recent election, as I’m living in California: Home of (failed) Prop 37. Had I been able to prove my residence soon enough register to vote here, I would’ve surely voted for Prop 37 because I sincerely believe that all people …

Blend: Intermittent Fasting with Feeding Mitochondria (under the philosophies of Raw/Paleo/Price) Read More »

Goodbye Whole Foods

You’re just awesome Whole Foods, and I hate to leave you. And I’m possibly not thrilled to re-enter society and my life/the grind. I’ll get over it though–I have the car ride home to talk myself back into going to work tomorrow!