
Personal Improvement Plan: Round 2, plus Sprouted Mung Bean Socca and Veggie Flour

I never did a wrap-up post for round one of my personal improvement plan (PIP), but it did go well. I felt better, looked better, and everything was going well. I wasn’t actually sure when I’d end it, but it happened rather unexpectedly (and I’m taking full responsibility for it!). One day, when a temptation …

Personal Improvement Plan: Round 2, plus Sprouted Mung Bean Socca and Veggie Flour Read More »

Taking Charge, Investigating Health Mysteries…and Why PIP?

One of my foremost goals in wellness coaching is to empower people to take responsibility for their own health and happiness. Often, I feel like I should have a degree in psychology instead of health because I also notice the range of perceptions by people about what role they play in their health. My dream …

Taking Charge, Investigating Health Mysteries…and Why PIP? Read More »

Valentine’s Dinner (early), and how splurging a little can lead to saving money (iPad)!

I don’t really have many interesting food experiences this week (lots of green smoothies, kale, and avocados), since I’ve been keeping it simple in preparation for PIP. But last night, we had our Valentine’s dinner since Matthew is going to be here tonight (and he does not see eye to eye with us on food …

Valentine’s Dinner (early), and how splurging a little can lead to saving money (iPad)! Read More »