
It’s Spring Break again! Time to Clean…and Cleanse.

I love spring—I have this feeling like it’s all uphill from here! I also love weekends, and I’m on spring break from 1/9 of my work responsibilities. I’m going to do work tonight until I have things caught up, so I can relax tomorrow and go to a new yoga class.  Anyone in Rochester/Canandaigua area …

It’s Spring Break again! Time to Clean…and Cleanse. Read More »

How to Stop Living in Glue (and some awesome carrot/almond balls!)

A common thread among human beings (not everyone, but many of us) is that we have a hard time doing things on our To Do Lists. Joe is not one of these people. He wakes up in the morning, assesses what needs to be done, and then he just does it. He doesn’t think twice …

How to Stop Living in Glue (and some awesome carrot/almond balls!) Read More »

Third Day’s a Charm? Or a Bust? Either Way, it Feels Like Success to Me.

Fruit Juice #2 was: pineapple and peaches (peaches taste great, but are SO foamy when juiced). The veg juices are all the same: watermelon, apple, cilantro, parsley, lime, lettuce (LOTS of lettuce from the farmer’s market), ginger, cucumber. My juicing is going really well—I wasn’t crazy about the beet juice for Day 2, but I’ve …

Third Day’s a Charm? Or a Bust? Either Way, it Feels Like Success to Me. Read More »