Summer Dinner: Roasted Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

I’ve been spending a lot of time with friends lately–summer just brings a lot of my favorite people to town!

My friend, Jena, and I had a sleepover on Sunday, and one of our favorite things to do together is make a huge mess in the kitchen (she’s extra good at that). On Sunday, we used beets from my garden and local spinach, goat cheese, olive oil, and vinegar for our creation. I always feel good when I do that!


This appetizer was spinach leaf wrapped around a chunk of beet stuffed with brie and topped with crushed pistachios. Odd, maybe, but it tasted really good! We also drizzled olive oil on it.
The second appetizer was brie wrapped in prosciutto and spinach---this was pretty salty, until we added the spinach leaf---then it was awesome! Note my favorite plate.
My Mom and Fred have the most amazing backyard---so we just took our dinner over there while they weren't looking. When we were done, just sitting around drinking wine, my mom texted me to ask if she could come over and see Jena. Ha.

There isn’t really a recipe for the salad, or the other things either. We just put what we had together—toasted the walnuts and roasted the beets. The dressing was a combination of Herbs de Provence olive oil and California Apricot balsamic (from F. Olivers).

I feel like I’m back on track (for life) at the moment. I have four classes going on, and most of my family/friends have left town. Not that I want them to be gone, but since I work a lot at home, it definitely impacts the amount of work I get done (I compromise on time a lot, and end up doing my paper grading at 4am).

I will have a fitness update and workout to post soon. Everything has been going great there—mostly it’s food that’s variable, right now I’m just working on shaking the feeling that I need to drink wine everyday (it’s so easy to get into that habit!), and eating like I normally do when I’m in my regular routine. I have three trips to take for the remainder of July (Jersey Shore, LA, and Dartmouth!)… so I am going to try and stay really focused on my food/fitness while traveling. I think I’m at a good place to do that (and not be/look crazy at the same time).

How is your July going so far? I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure where June went!

Any trips coming up?




8 thoughts on “Summer Dinner: Roasted Beet Salad with Goat Cheese”

  1. Hey friend!!!! Good to hear from you! You know I LOOOOOVE beet and goats cheese together! My favorite combo!

    We are headed to the shore this weekend. I can’t wait! Although, I hope no rain I just saw the forecast. I want ot build sand castles with Weezy!

  2. Heather - Where's the Beach

    Oh sounds like so much fun! That salad looks great too. I need to get beets again. I was just thinking about how good they would be on a salad today.

  3. LOL…I’m good at making a mess in the kitchen too! I LOVE beets! I actually buy then canned too just to keep in stock for adding to salads.  It is a great pair with walnuts, isn’t it??  No recipes sometime are the best recipes! 

  4. lisa, i TOTALLY think this is the time of year to just embrace opportunities to be with friends, family, get out and about/be social. sorry you have to fit four courses worth of work into your schedule – eesh!
    i have no trips coming up, but that is fine – i love summer in ontario because i love humidity. it is 42 here this week, with the humidex and i say bring it on! as you know, i wish i could live in florida!
    my july is going great, so far…i have a feeling it is going to go too fast!
    so happy for you that you have more travel coming up. very fun! i say drink wine every day, it is SUMMER!

  5. I am in the wine everyday routine as well! It’s very easy to get into that habit but a couple of times this week I found myself ready to have wine with dinner even though I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it, it had just become a habit. I used to only have wine when I really wanted to ENJOY it and I loved it whenever I had it. Now I feel like it’s becoming less special! I want it to be special again and was thinking about trying to cut it off a few nights a week to see if that helps!

    Your beet, cheese, and lettuce apps and salad look so to die for. Great idea to use the lettuce as a wrap! Mmm prosciutto!

  6. Dinner looks amazing!  This is my favorite way to eat in the summer, with fresh, local ingredients combined in any way I feel like doing it that day!  I agree, where did June go, lol?

    Just wanted to let you know, I made your Chocolate PB Cups — they are amazing!!

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