
At-Home Workouts (with the Ugi Ball, a sand bag, and the Equalizer…and how to improvise)

I like to work out at home—it’s easier than going to the gym (even though I have a gym one block from my house), and it’s simpler than going to a personal trainer (the one I like is 35 minutes from my house). I don’t need a trainer—I have a degree in exercise science. I …

At-Home Workouts (with the Ugi Ball, a sand bag, and the Equalizer…and how to improvise) Read More »

Day 3 of Intermittent Fasting (but I’d rather call it delayed eating)

Thanks for all of your great comments on my post about trying out Intermittent Fasting! I appreciate your perspectives, and I completely agree that IF is not for everyone…in fact, I’m not actually recommending it to anyone yet. I’m just testing it out on myself! Alison (who is my bloggie-neighbor) wrote a post about her …

Day 3 of Intermittent Fasting (but I’d rather call it delayed eating) Read More »

Working Out Smarter, Not Harder.

Since the newest spin on my exercise/activity habits involves working out “smarter, not harder,” I’ve really gotten more into functional training. Right now, I’m primarily doing a lot of low-moderate-level cardio, interval timer strength/cardio training (with a variety of intensity levels), and yoga (the teacher training I’m doing helps push me to keep it a …

Working Out Smarter, Not Harder. Read More »