January Giveaway — Win a Vitamix!

vitamix giveawayThis giveaway starts today, and runs until 12am on January 31, 2014.

Seriously, who wouldn’t want a Vitamix!? This is the master of all blenders!

We love the Vitamix and we want to share the love with one lucky winner… p.s. We’re sponsoring this giveaway ourselves.

Please follow the instructions below to enter:

1. Click Here to see the Vitamix you’ll win! Leave a comment below saying what you’ll blend first!

2. Subscribe to Thrive Style’s newsletter: 

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3. Leave a comment below telling us what you’ll buy if you win. 

4. Use the Rafflecopter below to confirm these entries and unlock more! 

***For more ways to win, be sure to visit all the blogs responsible for this giveaway!***

Momma’s Green Project

Small Footprint Family

Our Heritage of Health

Food Saavy

It’s a Love/Love Thing

Kula Mama

Yuppie Farm Girl

Like a Normal Person

The Homestead Garden

Grok Grub

MIX | Wellness Solutions for a Balanced Life

Note: If you cannot see the Rafflecopter widget below, click here to see the widget and enter now.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

A winner will be chosen via random.org. We will announce the lucky winner on Friday, January 31, 2014. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to an email with his/her full name, address, and phone number. There is no purchase necessary to win. This giveaway is open to everyone!

vitamix giveaway 2

Time is running out to sign up for the FREE virtual online summit, New Year New You, and order the download package . I always order the download because I can’t listen on the FREE days. This BRAND NEW online conference features 5 days of interviews from 31 amazing speakers (including me talking about my tips for busy moms!).

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181 thoughts on “January Giveaway — Win a Vitamix!”

  1. I’d buy a vitamix for sure! I really want to puree soups. I made a carrot-acorn squash in my $30 blender last week. It tasted great but I wish it had been smoother!

  2. My own sunflower seed butter, and my wish list is filled with coconut aminos, coconut flour and other goodies on amazon!

  3. I would love to start doing green smoothies… we had such an abundance of kale last year!!!

  4. Bring in more raw foods into my diet, to retain all of the healthy fibers that would otherwise be taken out of a juicer, make salsas, and soups, drinks and more! Thanks!

  5. I will blend some nut/soy/rice milks…i would blend some raw meals…i would blend up some raw fruit/ veggie juices…etc….the possibilities are endless

  6. I’d buy a Vitamix, so I could make fresh, nutritional smoothies for my kids and great salsas for nacho nights!
    roblyn66 at yahoo dot com

  7. Kathleen Ophelan-Levine

    If I won this vitamix I would blend myself a green smoothie. It would have Kale, Pineapple, bananas and yogurt.

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