Secrets to Perfect Skin Step 2: Magical Miracle Supplements!

I’m probably putting step 2 a little bit too early in this series of videos, but I can’t help it. I’ve made food changes in my life that have definitely helped my skin’s appearance and health, and I really think step 3 is super important… but, the thing that has had the biggest impact on my skin is supplements, one in particular! Gotta watch the video to find out which one and how much I take—ha!

So there you have it.

Here are some links for you:



Fermented Cod Liver Oil (I forgot to say that I take the one with butter oil added to it)

MSM (I like this brand… but also, you can buy the powder and add it to drinks, etc… it tastes bitter though)

Beef Liver (and my video on how to eat it without tasting it)

Beef Liver tablets


News/Notes: My birthday weekend was awesome. My friend Jenn from college visited for the weekend, and we did lots of fun California stuff. Nothing too touristy, but a little of Santa Monica, Venice, and LA… including the beach and the Santa Monica Stairs! We also ate and drank plenty…

I have a couple new recipes to share with you (hopefully tomorrow or Fri). Krisda sent me some samples of their natural sweeteners, and I was excited to try them (since I’m out of NuNaturals Stevia). I have been cutting back on using stevia for all my sweetness… and just using a little of it in combination with grade B maple syrup. It seems like a good compromise, and tastes good too.

I’ll be doing a review of a Pear Mobile Training System soon too (I just received it so it’ll take me a week or so to try it and do the review).

I also have some interesting news that is related to this site sort of. Well, kind of. The new boyfriend and I (I still haven’t asked him if I can talk about him on here yet—I will soon! Then you can find out his name and how awesome he is) decided that we want to challenge ourselves to do a couple things this year. First, we want to explore a lot of California because we’re both new here (he’s newer than I am…). We also want to try and not get sucked into the California spendy-lifestyle (that is so easy to get sucked into—just ask my bank account!). The next thing we want to do is combine our love for doing active things with our love of drinking alcohol. Just kidding. Kind of. What I mean is, we both have really active lifestyles, but we want to do our physical activity mostly recreationally here rather than in a gym. We hope these things can be free or cheap, just because we want to prove that it can be done in LA! And then once we’re done being active and exploring, we want to go somewhere local and have a cocktail (and then probably recreate it at his house because he has a rooftop patio the size of my whole apartment). It might be a little while before we start letting you in on it (even though we’ve already started the process) because of a work thing for him, but I’ll keep you posted. You’re gonna like him!


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