Yoga and {fake} Rest Days

Today should have been a rest day from working out for me (and I’m paying for it now…), but I wanted to meet my friend Shirley at hot yoga this morning and talk about our fitness plans.

After class, she grabbed my phone and told me to do something cool.

Yoga pose.....or party trick?

This is what I came up with. I don’t know how cool it is, but it was fun, and you can barely even tell how sweaty I was in the pics.


I can see where my alignment is off slightly in some of the poses, or maybe it’s mostly the camera angle…but I think it gives the idea–I like to twist and balance. I mean, if you asked me to do something that required hip flexibility, it would be a different story!

Anyway, it was a great day. I didn’t do anything in the kitchen, and I feel like a 90 year-old woman after too many workouts this week…but I purchased some fun new stuff at Sephora (Tarte is my fave cosmetic line right now), and I have a plan for the week—work my ass off till Wednesday and then go to Florida!

How is your weekend? Do you do yoga? 

8 thoughts on “Yoga and {fake} Rest Days”

  1. VERY cool pics, lisa! i am in awe! some poses look like breakdancing!
    i used to do ashtanga yoga, about 5-7 years ago. loved it, but my schedule/life changes and it no longer worked for me to go to class. that’s ok – it was a life chapter. i cannot for the life of me do yoga on my own at home?!! i am hoping that i can try bikram and moksha yogas some day (soon?!)…but i’ve been saying that for two years! ah, well.
    love your top in those photos, too.
    happy counting down to FLORIDA!!!

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