Chopped Salad…so it’s a little less like salad

I’ve been really busy this week, working, teaching yoga, and catching up from being in Florida last week, so I don’t have much to share except a salad I ate today.

I’m not actually a huge fan of salads, but if they have certain qualities (like NOT big huge fluffy greens), I’m happier. I like chopped salads because they’re easier to eat and the smaller pieces of greens make the leaves blend in more with the good stuff.

I use a mezzaluna to chop the greens and I use fancy oil and vinegar from F. Oliver’s….then I put in lots of other stuff with a variety of textures. That’s my ideal salad.




Here’s what is in it:
Spring mix, about 4 cups chopped and therefore shrunk to about 1 1/2 cups
Goji berries (just a few)
Crushed pecans

Herbs de Provence olive oil
Apricot balsamic vinegar

News/notes: I’m really liking teaching yoga lately….I think I’ve determined that my favorite way to do it is with a group that meets consistently each week (the same people). There’s so much more continuity that way. I hope I remember that in the future and don’t agree to other types of teaching arrangements.

I am going to do TRX training on July 22nd in LA. Here’s my reasoning for flying across the country to do it: I could drive somewhere closer, but then I’d have to pay at least $100 for gas and pay for a hotel room for two nights. I can fly to LA for $350 and stay with my cousin for free. So it will cost the same. And hello. LA wins over Ohio (nothing against Ohio, but I don’t know anyone there and there’s no ocean).
I ordered the TRX pro kit and it should be here next Tuesday (which is my sister’s birthday so it definitely qualifies as a present {for me}—she’d be 36 this year, and I’m sure I would have bought her a gift, so I’m just transferring it to myself). I’ll let you know how it goes when I try it out—I’ve been watching YouTube videos and I can’t wait to try some of the exercises.

I’ve been having soreness issues with my Achilles tendons–like sometimes I can’t walk when I get out of bed in the morning because it hurts so much. Funny thing, when I stopped ignoring it and started icing, it started to get better. Why do I wait to do that kind of thing?

How’s your week? Any weekend plans? I don’t think I have much going on, but I have two new classes that I’m teaching online so I’ll have plenty to occupy myself with.

How do you like your salads? Any mezzaluna users out there? 

15 thoughts on “Chopped Salad…so it’s a little less like salad”

  1. i love mezzalunas and i love chopped salads and i love yoga (with you as my teacher!!)… but you knew all that already.

  2. So funny….when I started reading “I love mezzalunas” in your comment….I totally was thinking, “I know that already!” Ha.

    Anyway, yoga was fun tonight. Can’t wait to try the wine.

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  3. Heather (Where's the Beach)

    Oh I’ve never used a mezzaluna. I think I might need one! I guess my salads are mostly chopped…or roasted….or grilled LOL. I guess I’m all over. I did have an amazing shredded salad in Chicago last year. First one I’ve had and it was seriously incredible. 

  4. Lisa_healthy_diaries

    I don’t chop my letuce as small as you do, but I’m willing to give it a shot since it means i would get a mix of greens with more of the good stuff like you said!
    Lately I love adding goat cheese to my salads with either berries or pickled beets!

  5. Your salad looks awesome!  I seriously need to invest in a mezzaluna  ( haha I already said this on your FB page).  For your achilles tendon, try stretching it before you get out of bed in the morning.  Wrap a sheet around your foot and pull your foot towards you until you feel a stretch, and ice ice ice!  If it doesn’t get better, come see me and I will fix you!

  6. Oooh, I like the look of that chopped salad.  I have to admit to not being a HUGE salad fan either.  I think that’s why I like green smoothies so much…they make me feel like I can dodge the salad-bullet!

    My weekend is looking pretty relaxing.  I’m going strawberry picking tomorrow (there are these amazing strawberries here called Hood strawberries and their season only lasts a month!) and I will probably be eating as many as I take home.  So excited!  🙂

    LA sounds so fun…seriously one of my favorite places to visit!

  7. fun to hear how your week is going, lisa! flying by, isn’t it?
    i do not even know what a mezzaluna is! and i DO like big, “everything but the kitchen sink,” lots o’ lettuce salads!
    ice is the best healer…and so funny because it is easy and cheap!
    that is so exciting about the TRX training! i know very little about that, so feel free to share. and i love your reasoning behind going to LA for it – makes sense to me!
    glad you’re enjoying the yoga teaching…hope more long-term opportunities work out, in the future!

  8. Gina (Candid RD)

    Holy cow, what a knife!!  I need that.  I bet that would chop nuts pretty well too, no? 
    I love pecans, and avocado in my salads, especially during the summer.  I’ve been REALLY into salads lately.

  9. Oh your chopped salad looks yummy! I should try chopping mine next time, it somehow seems like it might taste even better that way?? I also love that you’re going for TRX training, how fun! You’ll be a killer instructor, that is a GREAT workout! 

  10. Your salad looks AMAZING!  I love the little bit of dried fruit, nuts, and cheese.  I’m a big fan of chopped salads too — it’s a great way to get in fresh herbs also (parsley and mint are my favorite additions!).

  11. AH I love salads I eat one almost eveery day! I have never heard of a mezzaluna but since I love my salads super-chopped I may have to look into it. Yours looks really great!

    I hope your Achilles issues get sorted out, my dad has those issues and they don’t tend to go away easily :-/ TRX training, how exciting, and LA?! Even better!

  12. Love salads. I have been all about romaine and butter lettuce kind of salads 🙂   Do not have a messaluna but it looks like a great kitchen tool to help jazz up salads! 

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