Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is going well so far—I know mine will be (I mean, it already is, considering my flights have been on time and I’m currently typing this from somewhere between Atlanta and LA). Kristen (my cousin that I’m visiting) is moving into her new apartment today…at the beach, with a view of the ocean and the Santa Monica Pier. She has lived in Santa Monica for a few years, but after spending the winter in Vancouver while they shot the second season of The Killing, she decided to upgrade and move couple blocks west.
She’s already informed me that we’ll be having margaritas on the Pier to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Honestly, I’ll have one (and leave the sugar intake to that—I’m more of a grey goose and club soda person these days. It’s predictable, un-hangover-ish, and although I’m toxifying myself with alcohol by drinking it, I’m leaving out the sugar…). Full disclosure: I think I’ve had two glasses of wine in the past 30 days. No wait, I had a few while I was Charleston a couple weeks ago—Jena and I walked the beach at sunset and drank wine out of plastic cups. #classy
I’m working on a project while up here in the air–a new webinar series that will become available to you soon (we’re shooting for June). Laury and I are putting together a free course that will include a couple topics that we think are really important—how your endocrine system is affected by stress, sugar, and toxins…and how that impacts your metabolism. It’s sort of complicated, but it is the topic of my life and work lately—next time you see me, let’s chat about it (but only if you have all day…). It’s a big web of connections between lifestyle, environmental exposure, and your health/metabolism/weight. Laury’s pretty busy today with her little one’s first birthday celebration (she’s making my pb cups for the party!). But we’re working on our videos and presentations throughout this month, and we’ll both keep you posted as things progress!
I’m also working a new business venture with a friend (former corporate client) that is going to be more focused on fitness. We’re going to do a lot of face-to-face work for this adventure, but will also be creating an online presence—I just registered the domain name, and also registered logins for twitter, facebook, and pinterest… Look for more details on this during the summer and fall! It’s going to be several months till we get started for real, but we’re working on the process now.
My third project is with my dear friend Jena (said like: Gina). We’re working on recipe testing all summer and putting together resources, so we can self-publish a recipe and resource book on the topic of feeding children. So far it’s going really great! I’ve posted a couple of my experiments here, and Jena is in full swing down in SC too. In June, we’re going to have a two-day meeting in the car together—I’m driving to SC and then driving with her and two daughters back to NY (so she doesn’t have to do it alone with the kids–her hubby can’t get as much time off work so he’s going to meet them in NY later). I suppose we should have a section on how to feed your children while traveling!!
So, there you have it. That’s what I’m working on. I hope you’ll come along for the ride, and put up with all of my tweets from various Rochester area Starbucks over the next year. Most of what I need to do is in Rochester (and of course, I’ve recently moved 35 minutes from there). A prediction: we’ll move back to Rochester in a year or so, and then escape south in 4 years or so.
Two last things:
1. I have almost enough things gathered to do a My Favorite Things giveaway (it’s taking a while, I know!).
2. Please consider buying an Every Mother Counts cd the next time you’re in Starbucks. Christy Turlington Burns teamed with Starbucks to put together an amazing cd to raise money and awareness for the organization, Every Mother Counts. I’ll post pics of the details below. (I’m going to include one in my giveaway). I’m actually listening to the cd right now. What if you bought a cd, and your $8 helped to fund services, supplies, or research that helped even just one woman survive childbirth? What if this initiative had happened 10 years ago, and that money could have contributed to preventing my sister’s death? I guess I often feel helpless when it comes to the medical system (I’m not a very good participant/recipient of it), and I don’t have a lot of money to donate. But I have to think that donations, much like social change, really do work — many hands make light work, and many small donations make a big difference. Your vote counts, and so does your $8 (the cd costs more than that, but $8 of each purchase is used directly by the EMC organization). If this cause doesn’t resonate with you, then that’s ok too—we should all pick which ones mean the most to us. The important part is picking one, and helping out.
Do you have any new or big projects or plans on the horizon?
Do you have a specific cause or organization that you like to support?
Are you going to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a margarita?!
Internet on a plane is amazing. It helps pass time so much better than playing video games. I am excited for your new projects! Especially the webinar series! You are awesome. Have fun with your cousin, and don’t feel too badly about the beverages. I have a hard time drinking, but I am going to try to have a glass of wine. The last time I had wine (or any alcohol) was almost a year ago.
Wow, it sounds like you are a busy lady. I’m excited to hear about the webinar…I’ll definitely be tuning in for the details on that. I’m going to a party this evening that will be featuring something called “beer margaritas”. I don’t really know what that means, but I’ve been promised that they are quite good. And, yes, I’ll be trying one. 🙂
i bet that margarita on the pier was fabulous, lisa! wifi while flying – that is the best invention since…sliced bread – wow! now i can’t wait to fly again!
so happy to hear your excitement about your new projects. your enthusiasm comes right through my computer – haha! seriously: i love to see people pursue new goals and ideas. i LOVE the recipe idea that you and jena are doing…and yes, incude traveling!
causes involving women and children find a special place in my heart.if that s’bux cd is anything like the quality of the christmas one i have, it’s a winner. i like the mix of artists already
have a fabulous sunday on the beach!!
Sounds like you have been busy, but have some exciting stuff on the horizon! Congrats! Hope you enjoy your margarita 🙂
well now I’m interested both in your webinar and in that CD- thanks for the updates!
Your plans sound so exciting — can’t wait until we get to hear more of the details! 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful time in CA…your cousin’s apartment sounds amazing!
I’m heading to Starbucks now and will look for that CD! I love all of your projects, you are going to be a busy lady!!! But they all sound so awesome, I can’t wait to hear more, more, more!
wow ! It really sounds like you have a plate-full right now! I was in the process of starting my own business before I got pregnant. It’s been put on hold for a bit due to family issues and what not but I hope to get things in gear after baby comes! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!
I still haven’t seen the CD! Keeping an eye out. You are such a busy busy lady! Sounds like you had a fun weekend too. I like to support breast cancer and cystic fibrosis because both have impacted my family
I think that supporting a cause in honor of a loved one is a great way to preserve their memory and do something positive with a sad situation. Thanks for bringing our attention to this cause Lisa!
I made your peanut butter cups this morning…and oh my. They were amazing! Your projects sound exciting…I’m really looking forward to checking out your webinar. I could use a little bit of help, and that sounds really interesting. Looks like a great CD…good artists! The Starbucks CDs are usually really good.