What made your day? {Don’t Save Your Fancy Pants!}

Today was fantastic! Well, the greatness actually started last night—Matthew got here a little after 8pm, and we had a slumber party in the living room. He was a good sport and watched Little House on the Prairie with me, and then we chatted and went to sleep (well, he did…I was wide awake—since I haven’t been allowed to be active this week, I can’t sleep for beans. I got up and did some work at 11, and that eventually made me sleepy).

Today, my Mom and Matthew and I went to buy him new lacrosse cleats (which took quite a long time—he had to try on a billion pairs and test them out by running around the store. It was quite fun, actually). We swung by the mall so I could buy sunscreen for my upcoming trip and so I could tell the Easter Bunny what to bring Joe for Easter (or, so we could stop by Williams Sonoma and I could buy this to put in his Easter basket: Arabica Thermal French Press).

Side note: We have a Keurig, and he has always hated it. I liked it, but the novelty is wearing off. The coffee it makes is just not that good. Neither of us like the idea of drinking coffee that was brewed in a little plastic cup (is there BPA in those things?), so we got the reusable k-cup (which is still plastic but it’s sturdier). It works fine. But… I want great coffee everyday. It’s the same sentiment that I’m applying to my clothes and nice things I own. I don’t wanna save my nice things just for special occasions.

I’m trying motto on for size:

Since I work at home quite often, I sometimes forget this—and I’ve always saved my nicest most favorite things for when I’d really be making it “worth” using/wearing. I’m working on not doing that so much!

Another thing that made my day great was a visit with some of my favorite people under the guise of a playdate (which I’m sure was fun for the kids too, but really, it was secretly all about me. ha).

After my post last night, I also received an email from one of my sister’s childhood best friends (I’m not posting her name only because I didn’t ask her permission to share this–I don’t think she would mind though).

I can’t tell you how much this made me smile—My sister was a big wuss sometimes! She used to get homesick when we went on vacation and she was deathly afraid of dogs (which totally changed later). I would follow her lead since she was older, and when she was scared of something I would be too (like church choir). Reading this memory from Jen’s friend made me think of others—and I love that.  It’s funny to think about how much her personality changed as she got older–she ended up being so driven and outgoing (and kinda bossy), really not afraid of anything. I’ll keep working on channeling the strong focused Jen and not the wimpy scared-of-a-friend’s-stitches Jen!

Today, I also read this comment on my blog post about fancy grilled cheese made with coconut flour, and it made me feel really good.

What made your day good? 

Do you save your “fancy” stuff for a special occasion? 

P.s. I’m horrible at keeping gifts a secret, and I gave Joe the french press tonight instead of waiting till Sunday. He doesn’t like to receive gifts (which is why he gave me his birthday…but I’ll tell you about that another time), so I figured giving him this gift early would just be the best solution. He loves it–and (I) he can’t wait to use it tomorrow!

7 thoughts on “What made your day? {Don’t Save Your Fancy Pants!}”

  1. I know you saw that I had to make the dough for our Easter bread.  Won’t try it till tomorrow, but it looks and smells great, so I may have done it successfully!

  2. Today, my dog slipped out of his collar while we were on a walk and started running home…he spooks easily and has no concept of avoiding busy streets.  It was terrifying.  I chased after him for about 10 blocks and when I started thinking I couldn’t sprint much longer, I caught up.  It made my day that everything turned out ok.  And then I bought a harness to use for walks.  No way is he getting out of that!  Does this count as making my day good?

    P.S.  That coffee maker looks amazing!

  3. i sooo hear you, lisa, on the inability to sleep if you don’t get your usual activity – totally happens to me, too! glad you just got up and worked! better than fretting about it.
    that is just great that you had a such a great Good Friday. fun times with your favourite people.
    i enjoyed coffee out with my cousin on her 30th bday – so nice that she chose to spend an hour together, at a NEW coffee shop (we liked it!).
    i am intrigued to hear the story of YOU getting joe’s bday!
    happy saturday!

  4. Enjoy the French press–let us know how it works.

    I agree: Use the “fancy” stuff today! Especially the “good” china, glassware and silverware, if you have it–although I don’t really have the traditional stuff myself. A pretty table lifts your spirits. And buying flowers just for yourself is just a great habit to get into! 

  5. I’m so glad to hear so many things have made your day great! Hearing comments about how things I shared on the blog (like your grilled cheese comment) gives me so many warm fuzzies. I mostly hear things about a workout I posted or, the most common, a restaurant I shared being enjoyed by a reader because I told them about it. It’s the greatest!

    I think coffee should be awesome, every single day. That’s why I let myself buy a cup out each morning. I know people always say it adds up and drains the wallet, but good coffee is worth it to me. I too am not a fan of Keurigs. We have one at work and it seems like everyone except me there uses it haha. It just doesn’t cut it for me.

  6. LOVE how great of a day you’ve been having, sometimes its truly the little things that mean the most, huh? Today the best part was a quick little “day date” with Scott in the middle of the day – over a glass of wine and a quick bite. Just because. Just for fun. It was perfect.

  7. I love that sentiment! Fancy pants (and shoes!) are meant to be worn and enjoyed. 

    The best part of my day was cuddling with my pups this morning. They seem to know when I’m stressed out and just how to help relieve that stress. Never underestimate the power of cuteness 🙂

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