Virtual Bake Sale Today! Bid for a Good Cause, and Win Granola!

It’s for a good cause. Kisses from Katie. You can read more about it here.

I entered my granola—so whoever bids highest gets the granola, and the money goes to Kisses for Katie. I highly recommend this granola—the minimum bid is $10, and I can tell you a batch of the granola costs significantly more than that to make! It has acai and goji berries in it, plus pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, and NY maple syrup. All the nuts and seeds are soaked ahead of time, and the granola is dehydrated at 110 degrees for 24 hours.

When you go and bid...scroll down, my granola is close to the bottom of the list! You'll see this picture.

If you win the granola, I’ll include extra prizes in with it 🙂

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