Healthy Easter

First, Happy Easter! I hope the Easter Bunny brought you (or your kids) lots of healthy junk food. I bought a few things to fill a basket for my Mom (since we’re actually going to her house for dinner today—but I’m totally not eating ham!).

I soaked and dried some nuts and seeds for her and Fred. Why? Read this.

Then, I went to Lori’s Natural Foods on my way back from Dick’s (Joe is getting running socks for Easter). I bought:

Sesame Oil (remember the sesame craze I’m on? Plus, mom has osteoporosis–and can use the minerals!)

Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berries (Gojis are a superfood—amazing nutritional properties–I’ll fill you in soon!)

Dark Chocolate Covered Ginger

Wheatgrass Powder (because she is not close enough for me to bring her the real juice—you have to drink it within 30 minutes)

Yacon Syrup (sweetener made out of a root—low glycemic and really healthy!)

Dark Chocolate Mint Chocolate Bar

A Candle made out of beeswax

A jar of Sunbutter (crunchy variety)

Mom's Loot

Joe is getting:

Three pairs of running socks

A box of Cheddar Bunnies (organic version of his fave–goldfish crackers)

A jar of organic raspberry fruit spread

Dark Chocolate (that he’ll probably eat one bite of and I’ll eat the rest)

Joe's Loot

Long story short, I spent over $100 on that stuff. Is it worth it to me? Yes. I love Mom and Joe and I can’t justify buying them Peeps (and they wouldn’t want Peeps anyway).

I wonder how many hams will be eaten today? I know my Mom is making ham for the benefit of my 86 year-old grandparents (one of whom is having cataract surgery tomorrow, so we really should be nice and not feed them anything weird….like that spinach lentil soup we sprang on them a couple years ago).

10 thoughts on “Healthy Easter”

  1. Your Easter ‘basket’ is the best ever, Lisa… how we have changed from those filled with jelly beans and Cadbury eggs and such to chunky sunbutter and your homemade granola!! And now I have a new fave – dark chocolate covered goji berries. I recommend them to everyone who is craving chocolate and NEEDS to indulge.

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