
Yogi Clothing Review and Grain Free Grilled Cheese (coconut flour flatbread – black pepper and parmesan)

This feels like a random combination of content for a post, but I’m pretty sure if I don’t just talk about it all in one post, something will get neglected later… Yogi Clothing I was sent some great stuff by the company to try out and wear… and I want to show it to you! …

Yogi Clothing Review and Grain Free Grilled Cheese (coconut flour flatbread – black pepper and parmesan) Read More »

New Year’s Eve lunch was a big win. Takin’ one for the team at dinner…

Joe and I found out that Owl House is having a set dinner menu this evening, and as a result we decided to go there for lunch while Matthew was still with Mimi (my mom). Win! For dinner, it looks like we’ll be stuck with the original plan (to please my rib-lovin’ nephew), and we’re …

New Year’s Eve lunch was a big win. Takin’ one for the team at dinner… Read More »