intermittent fasting

Blend: Intermittent Fasting with Feeding Mitochondria (under the philosophies of Raw/Paleo/Price)

I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about perspectives on food, especially after the (semi) recent election, as I’m living in California: Home of (failed) Prop 37. Had I been able to prove my residence soon enough register to vote here, I would’ve surely voted for Prop 37 because I sincerely believe that all people …

Blend: Intermittent Fasting with Feeding Mitochondria (under the philosophies of Raw/Paleo/Price) Read More »

Weekend Update: New Info/Recipe Source, and Brief Re-Cap of Intermittent Fasting/Traditional Fitness

Happy Saturday! I’m going to spend the remainder of the weekend in yoga teacher training (I wish there was wi-fi there—then I could be like my nutrition students and pretend I’m listening, but really be chatting and playing on the Internet…just kidding, I wouldn’t do that!). I want to tell you a few random things …

Weekend Update: New Info/Recipe Source, and Brief Re-Cap of Intermittent Fasting/Traditional Fitness Read More »

Day 3 of Intermittent Fasting (but I’d rather call it delayed eating)

Thanks for all of your great comments on my post about trying out Intermittent Fasting! I appreciate your perspectives, and I completely agree that IF is not for everyone…in fact, I’m not actually recommending it to anyone yet. I’m just testing it out on myself! Alison (who is my bloggie-neighbor) wrote a post about her …

Day 3 of Intermittent Fasting (but I’d rather call it delayed eating) Read More »

A Self-Experiment with Intermittent Fasting, and My Lessons in Hunger vs. Appetite

As a health, nutrition, and fitness professional, I read about different philosophies and lifestyle (diet, workout, etc) strategies. A. Lot. Much of the time, the only way I can recommend or suggest/educate people about new things to try is to try it on myself first. I realize that many people hear the word fasting and …

A Self-Experiment with Intermittent Fasting, and My Lessons in Hunger vs. Appetite Read More »