
Taking Charge, Investigating Health Mysteries…and Why PIP?

One of my foremost goals in wellness coaching is to empower people to take responsibility for their own health and happiness. Often, I feel like I should have a degree in psychology instead of health because I also notice the range of perceptions by people about what role they play in their health. My dream …

Taking Charge, Investigating Health Mysteries…and Why PIP? Read More »

It’s Alive! It Can Make You More Alive too :)

Which one of these things is not like the other (Nut Cheese, Ginger Carrots, Kombucha, Yerba Mate/Sencha tea)? All of these things, except the Mate/Sencha Tea, are fermented. I know, ew.  It doesn’t sound very appetizing, but there’s a reason to eat fermented foods (lots of reasons, actually), and they really can taste good. The …

It’s Alive! It Can Make You More Alive too 🙂 Read More »