I made these when I was staying at my Mom’s house and they’re amazing… I made them again recently, but for some reason did not take pics. I’ll just include the original pic, even though they are in ball-shape instead of macaroon-shape. They work either way!
Almond Maple Macaroons
1 cup coconut
3/4 cup almond flour
2 T maple syrup (I use Grade B)
1 T Brandy (optional)
1/2 tsp salt
1 dropper full of vanilla stevia (I always use NuNaturals)
1 1/2 T melted coconut oil
Roll into balls, or scoop into macaroon shapes on dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for several hours (I think I did about 6 hours). They’ll make your house smell great and they’re unbelievably good with coffee!
I spent most of the weekend with relatives, us oldies and also meeting a new relative (cousin’s baby). K talked me into getting pedis on Sunday afternoon, and then promptly decided we should go out for a skosh of wine (which meant I had to wear the pedi-flops into the restaurant instead of my boots—the girl said I shouldn’t put my boots on for an hour). Good thing I’m not concerned about being weird! It was funny, anyway, and I’ll gladly be the source of laughter if this is all it takes!

And it’s Monday once again! My week is very full, and I’m also counting down less than 7 weeks till I go back to NY and see my favorite 9 year-old again. He’s not really keeping up with his texting or cell phone habit (what 9 year-old would?), and I’m missing him like crazy. Alright, back to work! Hope your Monday is as sunny as mine is…