Pizza Kale Chips

I got up at 4:30 today to go and work out…and although it was not difficult to do that at the time, it caught up with me later in the afternoon.The upside to getting up that early is that my workout was done and I had been to the grocery store by 7:15. I decided to make kale chips….my favorite ones, pizza kale chips. I also made more meatballs to use up my the rest of the liver puree.

I’ve made these before, and also for a health fair, and I swear there was not one single person who did not like them (although there were a couple people who wouldn’t even try them based on their appearance).

Here’s my recipe.


So…they aren’t pretty, but they’re awesome!

News/Notes: I’m busy, so I’ve got nothing interesting going on! I taught yoga last night to employees at a local winery, I’ve met with several clients this week, and I had a business meeting about a new project. Oh, and I updated my website.

I’m so sore from my Tuesday workout (mostly legs) and now from today’s workout (boxing). Boxing is so much fun—I love punching stuff, although I had a hard time not laughing based on my lack of coordination. So….I’m going to do it more and get better at it.

I am meeting Katelyn at hot yoga tomorrow morning in Pittsford, and then I am back on track with work. After I go in my sauna. Matthew’s coming over after his lacrosse tournament on Saturday, so I’m sure we’ll be on the go till he leaves on Sunday.

Have you made kale chips? Favorite flavor?

Have you ever boxed? Hot yoga? 

What’s in store for the weekend?

7 thoughts on “Pizza Kale Chips”

  1. Heather (Where's the Beach)

    They look good to me. I’ve made kale chips a couple of times and just went with the basic salt & olive oil. I had a hard time getting them completely dried before baking though so they weren’t all crisp. 

  2. enjoy yoga today, lisa, and time with katelyn! can you work in the sauna, multitask? or does that then defeat the purpose of relaxing and re-energizing in the sauna?!
    i bought kale chips at a health food store and loved them – had a cheese-y flavour that was delicious.
    bikram yoga was SUPPOSED to be a new experience in 2011! i am still waiting! must happen in 2012! i really want to try it! i’ve done hot(moksha) yoga once and loved it.
    this is a long weekend for us, and the weather is going to be AMAZING! i am working but otherwise will be outside.
    enjoy your time with matthew!

  3. Gina (Candid RD)

    We just got some new products in where I work, and they are raw.  They include some fabulous flavors of kale chips, but I can’t WAIT to try these pizza ones instead!  Why spend $6 on kale chips when you can make them yourself for so much cheaper?!
    This weekend I have the place to myself because Nick is in Vegas.  It’s going to be…relaxing 🙂

  4. Amy (Savory Moments)

    I’ve made kale chips before, but I’ve only used olive oil and sea salt on them. Yours look really flavorful – it’s a great idea! 

  5. I work mornings, so I am up almost every day at either 3 or 4 am and it definitely kicks my ass later. I don’t know how I manage to still run or cycle afterwards but I do. Maybe I am used to it. I still have yet to make kale chips, but these ones are my favorite recipe so far!!  Have fun at yoga ! 

  6. Lisa_healthy_diaries

    Boxing sounds like so much fun! That’s something I would totally love to try!

    I love your pizza kale chis! I made some BBQ ones for my Bradley Method Class last week and everyone really enjoyed them too! Although one husband didn’t even try them! haha I’m sure he thinks I’m “weird!”

    I’ll be spending lots of time with family this weekend and just enjoying the weather. It’s in the 80s here this weekend!

  7. The best kale chips ever are the WASABI WHEATGRASS from Inspiral lounge in london! it might sound a bit weird but i swear they are amazing! since i dont get decent kale (if ) here i dont make them myself. i would bake some every day otherwise! i am so addicted to them!

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