Pizza Flavored Coconut Flour Flatbread Grilled Cheese {Recipe Update}

After having received some great feedback and ideas on my original coconut flour flatbread recipe, I decided I would revisit it a little and try some new varieties. That post quickly became my most popular one—so I’m really glad that people are trying the recipe, enjoying it and letting me know too!

Today’s variety of the flat bread involves parmesan cheese and pizza seasoning. I use the organic pizza seasoning, but you could always just add the traditional spices that go into pizza sauce separately! I also tailored this recipe to serve just one person (me) for lunch. It was the perfect amount for two pieces of bread.

Pizza Flavored {Coconut Flour} Flatbread

Heat your frying pan to medium, and add a tbsp or 2 of butter (grassfed/organic for more fat-busting CLAs!).

In a bowl, mix until smooth:

1 egg
1 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
3 dashes pizza seasoning
2 Tbsp liquid (I used half and half because that’s what I had, but I’m sure you could use milk or almond milk, etc.)

Use the batter to make two equally sized pancakes. When you flip them, add cheese and pesto to one, and put the other pancake on top (“done” side down). Flip when the bottom is done, and when both sides are golden, transfer to a plate.

Notice I left out the baking soda and powder—I’ve found they’re not necessary. Coconut flour is fluffy enough!!! The cheese and pizza seasoning make the bread taste amazing (well, like pizza), and the pesto is a great optional addition to the sandwich.

I hear garlic powder and other herbs are awesome additions to this recipe, and I really like it plain too!


Today is a work day for me (and a laundry day…and a get a little bit overwhelmed with work day…). I have a new class starting today, and another class taking final exams (so lots of new students to meet, as well as panicking final exam takers). It seems to be nice outside, but I wouldn’t know (yet) since I’ve been on the computer all day. Note: I’m not complaining—I’m so happy I had this entire day to get (mostly) caught up!

It’s a great week for me—what about you? 

What is your favorite way to make grilled cheese?

24 thoughts on “Pizza Flavored Coconut Flour Flatbread Grilled Cheese {Recipe Update}”

  1. Heather (Where's the Beach)

    Ok you’re killing me with that flatbread. It looks amazing. I really need to pick up coconut flour. I always liked add in fresh basil, artichokes & tomatoes. 

  2. Do you have a secret for making them as thick As the picture? 🙂 mine never get that thick….but I haven’t tried this recipe version yet…..just the baking powder/soda one. This looks so good I want to make one now!

  3. thanks for the recipe variation, lisa! i like a slice of cheese included in a homemade “egg mcmuffin” – the best is when the cheese gets melt-y!
    glad you had a great day of transition with old and new students…so good to get that to do list shortened up!

  4. Gina (Candid RD)

    Strangely, this is a GREAT week for me too!  I say “Strangely” because last week was the worst and I thought I was doomed again this week.
    This grilled cheese sounds wonderful.  I don’t make grilled cheese often but when I do make it I like to use multiple different cheeses, and add tomato and of course whole grain bread.  Yum.

  5. I don’t really know—but they definitely turn out fluffier sometimes compared to others. I almost think it’s the brand of coconut flour, and I think what I’m using now is Coconut Secret brand (I dumped two kinds in one canister at one point, but I think that’s what is left). Also, I don’t usually measure the liquid, just splash it in…so you could mess around with the amount of liquid (or maybe even type? I used Half and Half this time). The last idea I have is to stir it till smooth, and then let it sit for a couple minutes‹the coconut flour will soak up more liquid, the batter should become thicker and fluffier. I’d probably try reducing the liquid a tiny bit and letting the batter sit for a minute before using it… If you try it, let me know what happens!
    (this time, they did seem especially fluffy!)

  6. Lisa_healthy_diaries

    Thanks for the updated recipe! I’m making these and your pb cups this weekend!! I’m all restocked on coconut flour too! 🙂

    I usually use whatever cheese is on the fridge but I love a nice buttery crust! 

  7. I really need to bite the bulet and buy some coconut flour.  These look so good.  Any thoughts on if any other gluten-free flours would work well?

  8. This looks amazing!  It seems like the sky is the limit as far as different flavor combos go with your flatbread and I know this one would  be a favorite of mine.  I think I’d make up a little bit of marinara sauce for dipping — delicious!

  9. Hi Nancy,
    I’m pretty sure subbing in almond flour won’t work—the reason is that coconut flour is super high in fiber (40-70%, depending on the brand), so the amount of liquid would be way off for almond flour. The fiber also helps the bread become “poofy” and I think almond flour would be much flatter (which may not be bad at all!). I have added 1 Tbsp almond flour to the recipe in the past (and left out the parmesan cheese), and that does work as well.

  10. Hmm, I tried this tonight and it looked and smelled great, but it just tasted very dense and bready… I couldn’t finish it!  The problem may have been my batter… once I mixed it, it was less of a batter and more of a dough.  I was actually able to form patties with my hands and place them into the pan, as opposed to pouring batter in.  Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

    (Here’s what mine turned out like: )

  11. Hi Katie,
    I’m sorry this didn’t work out quite right for you! The batter definitely should be “pourable”….so from one batch (1 egg, 1 tbsp flour, etc), you should get two pieces of “bread.” When I use half and half as the liquid (which I always do) the bread is super fluffy and not dense. I’m not sure if there wasn’t enough liquid in yours? I know it also depends on the brand of coconut flour you use, so maybe you have one that is extra fibrous? I’m not sure—-when I have used different brands (I generally use Bob’s Red Mill), if it seems to thick, I add an extra splash or two of liquid and that seems to help.
    Your pic looks pretty….but also pretty dense! Coconut flour is an interesting thing to work with, for sure, based on its fiber content. If I think of anything else that could help, I’ll let you know!

  12. I am beyond impressed at how well these turned out! I can bring pancakes, pizza, roast beef sandwhichs and eggs benedict back into my life – halleluiah!

  13. Using this recipe with almond flour works really well.
    The recipe I’ve found calls for one egg, one Tbsp of almond flour, and one Tbsp of parmesan cheese. If you need the calories or macronutrients, you can also add a Tbsp of olive oil or melted butter (or probably any liquid). Then you cook the batter just like pancake batter. They do make thinner, wider “pancakes”, and the almond flour (at least the the kind I use) makes it feel grainier.

    I personally just tried this recipe and like it a bit better because it tastes less eggy and seems more versatile depending on how thin or thick you want your batter since it’s so thick to begin with and using almond flour makes it much thinner to begin with.

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