Every day of this week so far, I thought it was Friday. Eventually, I’ll be right, but time is crawling! I think it’s because I’m counting down–to this weekend (Matthew comes over), till the end of the semester and a break from teaching (online too) (the 19th-ish till Jan 2nd), till people start visiting for the holidays… I’m also counting up–3 days so far with no coffee (why? I don’t know–it has been grossing me out lately—don’t tell Allie!).
Over the past week, I made yogurt several times, and it was so easy I thought I would share it with you (well, you’ll have to come over if you want to try some!).

Step 1: heat 1L milk to 185 degrees F.

Step 2: Cool milk to 110 degrees F (or if you don’t have a thermometer, just cool till it feels like body temp—stick your clean finger in it!).
Step 3: Put a cup or so of the milk into another bowl, stir in (1) yogurt starter or (2) a container of good quality plain yogurt, until thoroughly mixed.
Step 4: Add this starter to the milk, and stir until mixed.

Step 5: Option 1: pour into containers of a yogurt maker, set timer according to yogurt maker instructions.
Option 2: Pour into glass mason jars (lids off). Heat oven to warm, and then turn it off. Put the jars in the oven, and leave overnight.
Step 6: Transfer to fridge with lids on! Will keep for a week.

I added vanilla stevia to it, and also tried it with peanut butter powder–both were good! I’m not exactly the best at being thrifty in the grocery store, but I am proud to say that this liter of yogurt was significantly cheaper than if I had bought plain yogurt—and I know exactly what is in it and how it was processed!

Other things from my week:

I think that’s enough for one day. I’m excited to be wrapping up the semester so I can focus more on fun things (not that teaching isn’t fun, but it’s a huge time suck).
Sorry the pics are dark and fuzzy—it’s winter in NY–there’s practically no daylight, let alone sunshine!
I have some fitness things to post about soon—Ugi review update, sandbag workout, and other good stuff!
Have you ever made yogurt?
Have you ever done the “egg white trick” to poof up your baked goods?
Hope you’re having a great week!
Okay, I officially need a yogurt maker. I have been eying coconut cream at the store and not buying it, so please enlighten me as to why I need it. That peanut butter spreading raccoon is the cutest ever. And I am drooling over the thought of a grilled cheese on those waffles!!
My great grandmother always made plain yogurt when I was a child. I have always preferred plain to any flavored sweet version and I think it goes back to having hers. Love those boots 😉
Yum! I love making yogurt, it’s so tasty, and cheap! I used to make it with goat milk — it was heavenly. Hope you’re having a great week full of Fridays!
Ok i just love everything you talked about here. I’ve never made yogurt but have always been intrigued to do so! Those waffles look great and yes I have used the egg white trick when baking! That coconut cream sounds delicious. What kind of things do you make with it?
My husband has made yogurt and I buy it homemade from the same place I get raw milk. But nope, never made it myself!
I actually had a yogurt maker, but gave it away because I failed the first time I tried to make yogurt. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough? I dunno, but I don’t regret getting rid of it.
I love your idea of using waffles for grilled cheese!! And the extra egg whites is brilliant. I bet they tasted great!
I’ve never made yogurt, but I eat it all the time!
girl, I am sitting drinking a glass of wine…wish we could sit and chat in person, one day! lori and I have made kefir (from coconut and goat milk) and raw yogurt (out of coconut) love it!
love those boots, lisa! and you need a treat or two as a reward for getting through the teaching term!
i love the sounds of the pb powder in the homemade yogurt (i have never tried to make my own, and to be honest, don’t see it happening). and that new-to-you pb with the raccoon – yes, super cute packaging! i love pb and would love to try that brand.
what’s with the coffee!?!?! i swear i didn’t send you anti-coffee vibes (i am really going to try over the next while to get to like it again, though).
i hear you on the lack of sunshine – here, too. but i am grateful for no snow. i’ll take the rain!
hope your week goes fast – tomorrow really WILL be friday!
Nice pix, Lisa. The martini one, especially!
Yep, I used to make my own yogurt, about 35 years ago! Had a yogurt maker and long ago tossed it. I don’t have yogurt too often these days, but when I have the urge, I buy it.
Followed a bodybuilder lifestyle for years, so egg whites were a staple. Now I’m happy to have the yolk!
Love the boots!
i once worked on an organic farm in new zealand and we made yoghurt every single day. it was soo delicious, i swear i used to eat the biggest yoghurt bowls ever in the morning. ever since i have been buying it, also bc i am travelling so much (or i used to) and it just seemed easier and not worth it to mess it up. i love your new boats, they look super stylish!
oh and i havent tried the eggwhite trick yet but i need to start doing it! i just wished i had a waffle iron right now 🙁
Love the background on that peanut butter! I’m so wary of the Kraft, Skippy, Smuckers, etc. brands that are everywhere you look in “regular” grocery stores. I’m almost at the point now where I won’t grocery shop anywhere but the healthy, organic, (expensive!) stores.
I also bought myself new boots for Christmas when I was in Spokane. Pretty much identical to yours, but a few inches taller on the calf. Happy Holidays to us!!
You should use those standing light things you got!! As for da waffles, will you make me some? Also I will eat the yogurt. Yum!
You will LOVE these waffles!!! They’re better than the ones we made—much lighter, a lil crispy on the outside…mmm.
So interesting Lisa! I have to admit…I’m kind of scared to try it. But I really am intrigued!
It seemed a little creepy to me…until I actually did it—it’s so easy that I’m pretty sure I’ll never buy yogurt again (unless I’m using it as a starter for a larger batch!).
Yes, happy holidays to us!!! 🙂
Mmmmm…..the yolks are so yummy! I’m constantly debunking the egg yolk-cholesterol myth for people (and I know their brains are thanking me for all the choline!).
The yogurt making is really fun for me (honestly, I really don’t cook much so it’s a bigger project in my kitchen!)…but the quality storebought ones are just as nutritious!
I’m kinda sad that I have no desire for coffee—I have no clue why, but my mom’s response when I told her was, “Maybe your body is telling you it’s not good for you right now.” Okey-dokey—I’ll just go with the flow!
Hope you have a great dayit’s pretty chilly here but the sun is out (yay!)…
Mmmmm…..coconut yogurt and kefir may be my next project…sounds yummy! Someday, I predict, we will surely relax and enjoy a glass of wine together 🙂
The main benefit of making yogurt is really only the cost—maybe the novelty will wear off for me at some point. Store bought yogurt (obv the good quality ones) are just as nutritious!
Raw milk! That’s next on my list to buy—I found a farm semi-nearby where I can buy it, and I can’t wait!
Lately, I’ve just been using the coconut cream for pudding—I put it in the kitchenaid (with the whisk attachment…cuz I’m too lazy to whisk it myself!), then add some vanilla stevia and a scoop of protein powder. It’s kinda like eating whipped cream—but it’s so high in fat, that I can eat it and not be hungry for like 6 hours (I think about food too much if I don’t eat enough fat). I’m thinking it will be good for frosting, smoothies, and ice cream too….mmmmm!
I’m gonna reply to the coconut inquiry in a post! It’s wonderful….and I just think more people should eat it (but there are significant health benefits too)!
Sounds delicious Lisa!! You’ve gotten me intrigued about this coconut cream!
I’ve been thinking about making my own yogurt, thanks for sharing the process with us! (Love how you made your own kefir too!)
Very cute boots! 🙂
ok my day yesterday included starbucks and most def. included a martini =) so yummy! Also, love the boots!!
Waffles make me drool..and this yogurt looks so good!! I would smother the waffle with that PB and the yogurt. I lovee your boots!!
Wow that looks SO good! I’m crazy for anything coconut 🙂