139 thoughts on “July 4th and the First Harvest”

  1. Is that your garden?  It’s gorgeous and huge!  And yes, I’d LOVE some beets.  I didn’t plant any this year because of the move.  There’s nothing better than a fresh-from-the-dirt beets, rinsed under running water to get the soil off.  Makes my mouth sing.

  2. Yep, it’s our garden at Joe’s parents’ farm—we live in an apartment, so no
    satisfying beet growing going on here! We decided this year it would be
    worth it to us to have to drive over there to maintain the garden in order
    to have the fresh produce—they let us have a corner of an unused field…I
    currently have 18 beets to eat/find a home for…and about 30 more to be
    picked soon 🙂

  3. i like the almost-all-photo blog post, lisa! beautiful shots. i like the close-up of the berries.
    wasn’t the long weekend just the BEST for awesome weather?! not often that we luck out like that.
    ummm, thanks for the offer but beets still bring back very bad memories of pickled beets from childhood. ick, double ick! but i’d love to see what you do with them!
    i planted a garden one year, as a teen. and stuff actually grew – it was a one hit wonder as that was the beginning and end of my gardening career.
    thanks for sharing your photos!

  4. beautiful photos and gorgeous produce! how fun to have access to the farm like that – great garden!

    I’ll take some beets! 🙂

  5. Yum; if only I lived closer, I’d be over for some beets. We are growing a few herbs and tomatoes. When it cools off in the fall, I want to start a raised bed of greens.

  6. Wow, yum. What’s on the plate with the beans and veggie skewers? Everything looks beautiful. And roasted beets, with a little pesto drizzled on top, are delicious!

  7. Gina (Candid RD)

    YES PLEASE!  I love beets 🙂  Wow, I can’t believe all the beautiful bounty that you have grown!  This is just amazing.  I used to have a raspberry bush growing up, and we always made raspberry jam….oh so delicious.
    Our fourth was super relaxing and HOT, but lots of fun.   Enjoy all of your food, and send those beets my way 🙂

  8. The other thing we grilled (besides veg) was shrimp and scallops.

    I love the idea of pesto on roasted beets—how have I not thought of that?!
    Thanks for the idea 🙂

  9. I have a black thumb too! Although…Joe has done most of the work on this
    garden, so I can’t take a lot of credit for it. I did weed and harvest some
    things though 🙂
    Three plants and basil in a pot on my porch are my usual garden…so if I
    can manage to help with a big garden like this (and not kill it!), anyone

  10. Oh yes…the weekend weather was just perfect! Warm, sunny, and even a
    little breeze. It felt like a cross between Southern Cali and Florida
    …made my heart sing 🙂
    I HATED beets when I was a kid. A year or so ago, I roasted one (chopped off
    the leaves, wrapped in tin foil…on 350F for an hour), rubbed the peel off,
    cooled it to room temp, sliced it and put it on salad with goat cheese and a
    vinaigrette….Yum! Room temp is the key I think… Another commenter
    recommended drizzling pesto, which sounds awesome too. Maybe beets can make
    their way onto your New Experience list 🙂

  11. good luck finding a place…your comment to me.  ugh!  story of my week and life…seriously good luck on the right property coming up.

    and beets.  i heart them.  big time!

  12. LOVE the photos!  My mom would be very jealous of the garden… some little critters have eaten all her peas and stomped down the vines; they also munched off half of our beet greens and demolished the lettuce!  We may have to put up some chicken wire if we want to salvage what’s left.  Our tomatoes are also not doing well… did you and Joe plant any tomatoes?  Wondering if the tomato blight from 2 years ago is still affecting the area.  You should come down next week and bring some beets… we can make pesto from my herb garden and give that flavor combo a shot!

  13. The tomato plants are big fat bushy guys….but no tomatoes growing yet. I’m
    kind of surprised nothing is eating this garden since it’s just out in the
    open in the middle of the farm. Maybe the critters already have plenty to
    eat around there?
    Lets definitely try the beet/pesto combo. It sounds really good! We can use
    my cashew cheese in the pesto instead of parm (I swear it’s good), and we
    can also do the cheesy kelp noodles! Now just to schedule it…

  14. I wish it was! It’s Joe’s parents’ farm…they’re letting us use a corner
    of an unused field for our garden this year, and they were out of town for
    the weekend…so we pretended it was ours 🙂

  15. SO beautiful and mmmmmmmmmmm to all the fresh food! We have a garden! The watermelon and cantaloupe are taking over it though!!

  16. YES… on everything!!

    wow.. how gorgeous!! 🙂  Lucky you for getting to spend time in that beautiful place!

  17. Ahhhh, I wish 🙂 Joe’s parents are letting us use a corner of an unused
    field at their farm for our garden. We have major space for growing stuff
    and we’ve been composting like crazy too!

  18. thats still awesome!!! I’m dying to start composting! and in-ground gardening! hopefully next year but I wont have all the glorious space you do!

  19. Such beautiful pictures! I’ve actually never cooked with beets! I must try them this summer!

    My Fourth was filled with lots of yummy Italian food 🙂

  20. Wow!!  That looks awesome!  SO funny that you mentioned the beets…we have a ton from our CSA share!  What do I do with them?!  I don’t know if I like them (I’m guessing I don’t), so I don’t want to spend a lot of time preparing them!  I feel bad, though!

  21. I used to hate beets! …Until I roasted them. Cut off the greens (but
    don’t cut into the beet itself). Then wrap it in tin foil and put it in the
    oven for an hour on 350. Take it out, unwrap it, and the skin will slide
    right off if you rub it. You’ll want to use a paper towel…it stains! Then
    cut the beet into slices or chunks and let it sit out (or in fridge) just
    till it gets to room temp. Then….totally delicious on salad, especially if
    you add a little goat cheese. Some people also like them hot, and I hear
    pesto is really good with them too! I’m not a fan of cold beets, but room
    temp or slightly warmer is good! If you try it, let me know how it goes 🙂

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  23. Someone at my work just told me to roast them too!  She said even her kids like them now!  Okay – I’m gonna give it a shot and I’ll let you know:)

  24. WOW! I had no idea you were growing all that wonderful stuff! You put our garden to shame!! LOL we have 3 zucchini plants, 2 eggplant, 3 tomatoes, 6 lettuces, 2 brussel sprouts, 1 melrose pepper, and some strawberries and many herbs!

    I’d LOVE some beets! :))

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