Buckwheat, and gingerbread, and snow forts….and Christmas plans

This was a gift from a client. This is my favorite kind of gift--thoughtful, cute, and unexpected.
Best Buddies, Ready to build a snow fort
"No Girls Allowed! ...But I love you and we can play later when Joe's working."
Why did I not post this before? His head was SO sweaty when he took that helmet off. Mimi made the costume---not quite the girls' costumes from my youth---witch, tweetie bird, clown, punk rocker...
I want to post this for two reasons. 1. I'm sorry my food pictures suck so badly. I'm contemplating taking a photog course in January...but I'm not sure that will make my food any prettier. This breakfast was so ug...but SO good. 2. Cream of Buckwheat, with 1/2 scoop vanilla sun warrior protein powder, 1 tbsp sunbutter, 1 banana. Wow. This was a little too heavy for breakfast compared to what I normally eat, but really awesome.

It’s the week of Christmas. I have friends to visit (including 3 new babies that I haven’t met before), and only a slight amount of work to do(!). I’m looking forward to extra time with people I care about, and I’m feeling lucky that it’s not about the food or the presents—just about the people!  My cousin is shooting a show in Vancouver called The Killing, that will come out this spring (I’ll keep you posted).  She’s really busy so we haven’t talked much lately—but she sent me a book that I read today called Into the Valley and Out Again by Richard Edler. If you’ve lost a child or a sister/brother…I highly recommend it. It’s interesting and touching, plus it has short chapters (Jen would totally have liked that part). Did I ever mention that I used to do my sister’s book reports for her?  She hated to read, and I loved to. I was pretty proud of that fact when I got A’s on her reports (she was two years older than me). Not that I recommend cheating!

Anyway, I hope your week leading up to Christmas is fabulous.

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