Play Games, Even With Your Food

Matthew and I had a great weekend. I have a really funny (to me) 16 minute video of the two of us playing Trivial Pursuit (and the only reason it’s that short is because the memory card in the camera was full)—we played the adult version of the game. I have no idea where this game came from, but it must be Joe’s because I would never buy Trivial Pursuit. I remember my parents playing it with their friends when I was a kid, and it was just difficult and boring.  Maybe I’ll find the funny clips out of the video and post it.

Matthew really wanted to play grown-up games (and I guess UNO also seemed like a grown-up game because we played that for several hours). We also played Scrabble and Internet (which involves the two of us sitting on the couch, him with my netbook and me with my laptop, googling stuff like “funny dogs,” “tiger,” “funny babies,” “funny fingernails,” …you get the idea).

On Saturday morning, we met Joe’s sister and two of her kids at Bounce It Out—and the boys bounced for over three hours. Little sis bounced a little bit, but not quite as much as the bigger kids. Matthew was so sweaty and I figured (kind of hoped) he’d want to relax later in the day, but he really wanted to go and do something else.  We went to the planetarium to watch a movie about dolphins. Have you been there? We’ve gone a few times—one of the other movies we watched there in the past was about beavers, and I don’t know if it has to do with the water/swimming thing, but I felt totally nauseous that time and while watching the dolphin movie. Something about having the movie wrap around and up above makes me feel like I’m in the water I think.  Barf. But it was a good movie, and the dolphins were really interesting.

I think we made everything into a game this weekend—even how we prepared and ate our food. Maybe that has something to do with being seven, but it was a little bit new for me (or new-again?).

My point with all of this?  I don’t think I’ve played that much in a very long time. It was fun—and I did my work in the morning before Matthew woke up on Saturday and Sunday, so I never had the guilty feeling like I should be doing something else while we were busy playing. It makes me wonder how I would play when Matthew’s not here (probably not Trivial Pursuit).  What do you do to play, with or without kids?

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