This smoothie is packed with great things and it tastes amazingly good—I swear!
In the end, it turns out as sort of a light green with pink specks.
Grape seeds:
Antiallergenic, antioxidant, anti-histamine, anti-inflammtory, anti-stress….plus a blood vessel, bone builder, and improves blood flow!
High in vitamins B6, B1, B2, E, C, manganese, fiber, iron, copper, calcium,and carotenes. It is also anti-cancer, helps lower cholesterol, is a cleanser, helps improve digestion, skin, and memory. It is high in iodine, which supports thyroid function, protects the eyes, and removes excess fluid from the body.

Why call it a Super Smoothie? I think the ingredients speak for themselves!
The recipe:
3 cups red grapes (you could use green too) WITH SEEDS!
1 bunch watercress
1/2 cucumber (with skin)
juice from 1/2 lemon
Blend until smooth. This should make about 2 full glasses.

Please help a clueless loser out that really wants to try this one ASAP and let me know what the heck watercress is! I’m assuming it’s what is resembling lettuce/spinach leaves in the picture, but I’d just like to check – and also verify whether I can purchase said watercress at Weggies?
Hi Jessica,
I just added pics of the watercress. I had no idea what it was before I made this smoothie—I looked randomly through the produce section and finally found it near the herbs and other organic greens. I’m sure every Wegmans is different as far as where it’s located, but I think it’s “normal” enough that most places would have it.
Hope you enjoy it!
I always smile a little when I get to the checkout counter with a bag of “something-green” and the checker just looks up and asks me what I have… Sometimes, I even have to think what I got ‘today’- there are soooo many choices.
This sounds good though – never thought about grapes with seeds either. Thanks for the suggestions.
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