j balls

What I eat After I Work Out (and the best snack I’ve ever had)

People are constantly asking me what they should eat before, during (!), and after a workout. I do think there is some variability regarding what works best for different people. As a result of that, I’m just going to tell you what I do, and why it works for me. I generally do not eat …

What I eat After I Work Out (and the best snack I’ve ever had) Read More »

Pizza Flavored Kale Chips, Dark Chocolate Avocado Pudding, Smoothies, and the Ugi Ball

On Saturday, I participated in the Finger Lakes Wellness Fair. I had four things to focus on while I was prepping: seminars I was giving on bone health, nutrition for athletes, and smoothies, plus healthy snack demos/samples. What I learned: ditch the seminars and just give people food! I did have amazing conversations about my …

Pizza Flavored Kale Chips, Dark Chocolate Avocado Pudding, Smoothies, and the Ugi Ball Read More »