Wine Fruit Snacks – Gummy Wine Hearts – Not For Kids – Great for Your Body!

wine gummies 1

I’ll cut to the point here, and I’ll explain much more about the health benefits of gelatin tomorrow, but I invented fruit snacks made out of wine yesterday (at least in my mind I invented them—maybe it has been done before?). They were amazing. So, I refined the recipe a little, and made them again today… and they were even more amazing!

Wine Fruit Snacks – Wine Gummy Bears (or Hearts—whatever shape you want to make them!)

1 cup wine
4 Tbsp gelatin (I always use this kind)
1/2 tsp stevia (optional)
2 -4 Tbsp maple syrup (I always use Grade B, but any kind will work)

Note: The amount of maple syrup you use will depend on (1) how dry your wine is and (2) how sweet you want your gummies! You’ll have to taste it as you go and add more as needed.

Also, you can double or triple this–it works just the same!

In a saucepan, warm the wine on low heat. I put a thermometer in it and made sure it didn’t go much above 90 degrees. Wine boils at 159 degrees F, and so I definitely wanted to keep it well below that so the alcohol wouldn’t burn off. You don’t need a thermometer though, just keep it on the lowest heat and don’t take your time with the process. Add the gelatin one Tbsp at a time, and stir very well before adding more. I stirred the gelatin/wine with a whisk and the white wine version got very frothy. This is ok! It still works, and the froth gels too–but if you want your gummies not to have a little froth on the bottom, you can scoop it off. After the gelatin has completely dissolved, add the other ingredients. Taste the mixture after adding each one—you’ll have to use your taste buds as a gauge for how much sweetener to add! I added 2 Tbsp maple syrup to each of my batches of gummies today (a pinot noir and a dry riesling). Also keep in mind that the more sweetener you add, the less you’ll taste the flavor of the wine! In my mind, these should be a little less sweet than a regular gummy bear—they are for grown-ups after all! …Sweeter gummies get eaten faster for me, and portion control is necessary for these–to avoid getting drunk 🙂

Once your mixture is ready, either use a spoon to fill a mold or dump the whole batch into a pan (for square cut gummies). I’ve done it both ways—and although the hearts are pretty, I’ll make the square ones if they’re just for me (easier).

Put them in the fridge to set. You don’t have to do this, but it speeds up the process. They’ll be the texture of Jello jigglers pretty quickly–go ahead and eat them this way if you want to. But I recommend waiting! They get better! In fact, I recommend that you let them chill for at least 2-3 hours. They really do become the texture of gummy bears. I keep them in the fridge, but  you don’t have to if you want to pack them up and take them to a party. They won’t un-gel.

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If you like wine gummies, you’ll love margarita gummies too! Click here for the recipe.

margarita gummies 1

Watch this video for more information about gelatin’s superpowers!

wine gummies 2

Happy #WineFriday! Cheers to wine and you and fruit snacks!


83 thoughts on “Wine Fruit Snacks – Gummy Wine Hearts – Not For Kids – Great for Your Body!”

  1. Any idea what the shelf life of these are? I have events the next two weekends and would love to make them early

  2. So how many molds (generally) do these ratios fill? What if you only have one mold with 6 spots? Cause I don’t want the rest of the liquid to just sit while I was 2-3 hours to free the other mold… I don’t know if you understand what I’m saying lol

  3. A plane won’t work unless you want to be arrested for open container and possible transportation for sale to boot.

  4. I assume you’re referring to the use of gelatin… I am going to try it agar powder, which is a vegan gelatin-alternative made from seaweed.

  5. I’m gonna go ahead and be the guinea pig here and use agar to make these this weekend! I didn’t see any other commenters that had tried it yet, so I’ll let y’all know how it turns out! I’m also going to do alcohol free versions while I’m at it, since the 5 girls in my house aren’t going to let this recipe go untested! (Though if I let them have the “grown up” ones, maybe they’ll go to bed easier…hmmm…just kidding!)

  6. Okay, they’re in the fridge now (I did the simple, pour-in-the-pan method.) They’re not very red, but I think that’s more due to the wine I used (sweet muscadine) and the grade A syrup, it’s very dark. So we’ll see how this works! If it works out, I’m going to make some with grape juice or apple juice for the kids. 🙂

  7. Okay…so attempt #1 using agar powder with the same ratios as above seems to be a bust. 4 hours later and they’re still liquid. 🙁 My experience with agar is that it needs to be boiled first…so if you’re trying to keep the alcohol in the gummies, you’ll need to use water or juice, and maybe boil half the liquid content, stir in the agar, then add the remaining quantity in wine. I’m going to make some using grape juice this week, which I don’t mind boiling. 😉 I’ll be back to keep y’all posted!

    Now…what to do with the liquid wine/agar/syrup mix….adult smoothies maybe? ;D

  8. Lisa,

    First off thanks for this awesome idea. I’ve made this a few times with the exact ingredients and methods you outline here. One thing I noticed is that in the photo above your’s look rather transparent, however mine turn out opaque/cloudy:

    I’ve tried a couple different types of red wine but each time, right when I add the first tablespoon of Gelatin it goes cloudy. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Best Regards,

  9. So I figured this out. I was keeping my temp below 90℉ to ensure I lost none of the alcohol since I noticed a bit of steam around 100-110 when I heated my first batch (before adding the gelatin). I tried making these again with the same wine but this time after all the gelatin was well dissolved I let the heat rise to just above 100 for a few seconds. That cleared it up!

  10. Oh no! I tried these for valentines day….FAIL! So here’s what I think happened…
    I warmed up the wine, all is good. Then I added the gelatin to the wine and started mixing it. Then I added the maple syrup. my problem was that it STARTED to set as I kept mixing in the maple syrup! That’s apparently a big NO NO because once it sets, and you keep mixing it, it wont remold again… SOOOOO if you want to do this recipie, I think you should ADD SYRUP first, then add the gelatin.. Maybe add the syrup while the wine is still heating up. I will definitely try this recipe again, trying to mix the sweetener before the gelatin. Will let you know how it goes!!! 🙂

  11. AmyBethGoldman

    Well I just made these. I used 1.5 cups of wine and 6 packets of gelatin (after measuring, I discovered each packet is actually a bit less than a TBS)…I just kind of poured the syrup in. They’re pretty good. I used red raspberry-flavored wine, though all you really taste is red wine and maple syrup. I poured the mixture in a round nonstick baking pan (I guess that’s what, 8″?). They set up in the fridge after a short time VERY hard. I ran a butter knife around the edge and then cut them with the metal star-shaped cookie cutter I happen to have. I got VERY VERY few stars out of it. Maybe the pan needed to be wider so they’d be less thick and I’d end up with more? They’re still cute and the real test will be when I bring them to dinner tomorrow!! Here’s the picture…left is obviously the stars I cut out and the right is what was left over. Of course I’m bringing everything with me because there’s too much to waste! 🙂

  12. I make Knox Blox (similar to Jello Jigglers) and I spritz the pan with Pam before pouring in the gelatin. I’ve never had a problem with sticking. I truly can NOT wait to try this recipe, but my gelatin is still over my daughter’s house so I HAVE to wait!

  13. I personally detest maple syrup (I know, it’s an awful thing to say!) so I’m thinking that honey would make a good substitute. Then again, I don’t care for the sweet wines so I imagine I wouldn’t need to do much in the way of alterations anyway.

  14. There used to be a recipe long ago for using chilled club soda as part of the liquid for jello, so I’m sure the champagne would work. Don’t know about beer. I don’t like maple either, so I’m sure you could substitute agave (I’m personally thinking of using honey when I try it)

  15. Patty Cavanaugh

    Made these yesterday and they are pretty darn good. Just not good idea to eat all day so went and bought some good juice to make some more. I sure wish you would share with everyone just how much of the gelatin you are consuming and how long is your hair now?????

  16. These are’t new; wine gums have been popular in Britain for decades, and Chefsteps has a terrific recipe that utilizes a home version of the sous-vide technique which preserves the alcohol content, and therefore taste, in the candy. The candy will also last longer than these do.

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